We're located at 123 E 7th St Hanford, California

Phone 559-584-1577
Email support@movieheroes.com


Unlimited movie watching for a flat monthly fee
Adult - $19.95 /month
Additional Adult - $15 .00 /month
Child - $8 .00 /month

Fine print: Sign up with a debit or credit card, auto renewing, you can cancel any time. Cash/Check option is a purchase of 6 months at a time.

Member for a day - Day Pass
$16.00 unlimited movie watching for the day of purchase

Fine Print: Only one person in the group needs to have the day pass, the remaining people in your group can buy tickets at the guest price.

Guest tickets-for anyone attending with a member or a day pass holder
Adult - $7 .00
Senior (age 55+) - $6.00
Child (age 2-12) - $6 .00
Matinee - $5.50 (shows before 5pm)

Not a member?

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